Screenshot of Regional Aquatic Prioritization and Mapping Tool built with Madrona


On April 12, 2012 I starred Ecotrust’s Madrona repository on GitHub. Madrona is a collection of web-based planning tools for spatial decision support. Users can sketch areas on web maps to conduct analyses, share data or collaborate with others. Collaboration and analysis was very interesting to me because I was often working across several planning agencies with varying levels of software and experience. Unfortunately, I was unable to convince others of the possible benefits of Madrona and my plans were shelved.

Development of Madrona started under the name MarineMap at the McClintock Lab in the UC Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute. Ecotrust took over development of MarineMap, renaming it Madrona, after the Marine Science Institute migrated to the proprietary SeaSketch software.

“Why I starred” is a series of articles describing projects I star on GitHub and why I found them interesting. My hope is that you’ll find them interesting as well.